Issue 71: Ffos-y-Fran

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In this issue

The Doors are Open: Wales and the BBC Elan Closs Stephens talks to Hywel Wiliam

Wales: not as good as it gets Rhun ap Iorwerth

Rhun, a rock and a hard place – where now for Plaid Cymru? Ant Pickles

Navigating the clear red water Joe Rossiter

Coal, climate change and community: the case of Ffos-y-Fran Lydia Godden

Building a world-class post-compulsory education system Cerith D. Rhys Jones, Rachel Cable and Josh Miles

Rising Against Bias: Gypsies and Travellers Challenging Racism Martin Gallagher

‘Oes y Byd i’r Iaith Gymraeg?’: The National Eisteddfod and the Welsh Language Marion Löffler

Food Systems Change: Wales’ Fork in the Road Shea Buckland Jones and Ruth Lawrence

For Sale: The Old Bakehouse, Capel Dewi Gwenno Robinson

The Necessity of Dialogue Darren Chetty talks to Marine Furet

The Dragon on my Shirt Darren Chetty talks to Dylan Moore

Reimagining Policing Hanna Andersen

Seizing the Celtic Freeport Opportunity Roger Maggs

Tikkun Olam: Stitching together Welsh and Jewish identities Rebecca Wilson

Brilliant people and brave ideas: making Wales a world leader on cancer Jared Torkington

A Tale of Two Houses: Tŷ Wybrnant and Tŷ William Morgan Nathan Munday

Bannau Brycheiniog: an old name for a new way to be Jodie Bond

The Cultural Spectre of Denbigh Asylum Beth McAulay

Are media literacy skills the silver bullet for tackling misinformation? Gracie Richards

The importance of community art spaces Joshua Jones