May 2019
click on wales has been at the centre of the IWA’s commitment to hosting debate about Welsh life for over ten years. We’re proud to host this independent platform for debate and thousands of insightful articles that offer analysis, ideas and challenges.
Our team is small, and the pace of change is fast. We have to constantly challenge ourselves and ways of working to check we’re working in the most impactful way.
How and where we discuss issues that matter online has changed massively over these ten years. Now, there is a robust real-time debate about Wales – past, present, and future – on social media platforms, and we want to make sure we’re engaging in this debate where it is at its most vibrant. We have therefore decided we will no longer host moderated comments on click on wales. We’re not always able to moderate comments on click on wales articles as quickly as we would like and, clearly, this is not the best way to host a lively, open and engaging debate. Instead, we will publicise new articles via social media and look forward to engaging in robust, constructive discussions there. We will of course continue to offer the right of reply as a matter of course, and if you would like to write a substantive, constructive rebuttal to an article we look forward to hearing from you.