Let’s All Play Welsh Legislation Bingo!

Richard Wyn Jones dissects the Welsh legislative process

Announcing an exciting new game that anyone can play!

Simply score 10 points for every one of the following observed:

  1. Government announces intention to legislate accompanied by rhetoric including the phrases ‘world leading’, ‘international best practice’ and ‘new rights’.

  1. Government subsequently publishes Bill that is vague, non-committal and contains no judicable rights.

  1. Following objections to the gulf between the initial rhetoric and Bill contents, the Government provides an obfuscatory and evasive response referencing ‘legal advice’ that is never shared nor properly explained.

  1. Government marginally strengthens Bill following pressure from Opposition and civil society organisations.

  1. Following these concessions, civil society organisations pressurise Opposition into passing Bill using arguments that focus on the original rhetoric that rather than actual contents of the legislation.

  1. Despite their misgivings, Opposition vote to pass Bill for fear of appearing to oppose something that is claimed to be ‘world leading’, as embodying ‘international best practice’, and as creating ‘new rights’.

Score a bonus 20 points for every non-judicable ‘right’ that reaches the statute book!

Professor Richard Wyn Jones is Director of the Wales Governance Centre.

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