Brexit – a New Dawn for Welsh Agriculture?

William Powell assesses the impact of the referendum result on Welsh farming.

The weather was perfect for the Royal Welsh Show this last week – golden Mid Wales sunshine tempered with a welcome mist of drizzle on the final day, to dampen the Llanelwedd dust.  Strong entries in the livestock classes, the wheat futures market firming up, and, due to the combination of a lower sterling rate and the recent end of Ramadan, fat lamb prices stronger than they have been in recent years. No wonder, then, that Brexiteer AMs such as Welsh Conservative Leader, Andrew RT Davies and UKIP supremo Neil Hamilton were bestriding the Showground, talking of unparalleled opportunities, with Welsh farmers unshackled from the unloved clutches of Brussels bureaucracy.  I dare say that a few pints of Fosters were downed at the Young People’s Village, to celebrate the opportunities of reconnecting with our Commonwealth cousins.


However, such optimism, especially amongst those who campaigned with zeal for Brexit, did not reflect the wider mood that I encountered, talking with Farming Unions and ordinary farmers and growers from all parts of Wales. Rather, I found a genuine apprehension out there about what the Brexit vote means for the future of farming, so central to the prospects for our wider rural economy. Surprisingly, it was the contribution of two until recently obscure MPs that crystalised their concerns.


In the last Welsh Questions before the House of Commons Recess, Ian Lucas, Labour MP for Wrexham hailed the Brexit vote as an opportunity to reassess the public support for agriculture, especially at a time of fiscal stringency. Also, with a hint of dog whistle politics, Mr Lucas referred to ‘prosperous farmers,’ who could surely cope without public subvention. While Mr Lucas was doubtless appealing to his own immediate core voters in thus caricaturing farmers, the wider farming community cannot afford to ignore his contribution. Indeed, given the Brexit vote, which it seems that many Welsh farmers supported despite the warnings of the Welsh Farming Unions and agricultural economists, it is inevitable that the debate on farm support, and the payment structure for environmental goods and services provided by farmers, will intensify.



Perhaps of greater significance to farmers in Wales were the recent comments of the Rt Hon Andrea Leadsom MP, a veritable lioness of Brexit, whose rise to DEFRA Secretary after her abortive bid for the Conservative leadership has been meteoric. During the Referendum campaign, Mrs Leadsom commented: “It would make so much more sense if those with the big fields do the sheep, and those with the hill farms do the butterflies. That would make a lot more sense for the UK and it’s perfectly possible but only if we leave the EU and sort it out for ourselves.” Alongside her call for the repeal of the Hunting Act and her crusading support for fracking, these remarks certainly single out Mrs Leadsom as a ‘red meat eater’ – but have served to send shivers down the spines of farmers and environmentalists alike. As early as 2007, Leadsom argued that “subsidies must be abolished” in an article on how to rejuvenate British farming, so at least in this respect, there is some depth to her views, if not her analysis.


In the economic conditions that now confront us as a country contemplating the reality of Brexit, pressure on the public purse will be more acute than ever before. Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader, Mark Williams MP and I launched the ‘Not a Penny Less’ campaign on farm support at the Royal Welsh – and are already tapping into a rich vein of support. This was boosted by a visit from Federal Liberal Democrat Leader, Tim Farron MP, on the final day of the Show. It is now more important than ever for all farmers to engage in the public debate, so that there is a better understanding of the vital contribution that they make as custodians of the land, both in terms of maintaining biodiversity, but also to the whole tourist sector, such a critical part of the wider rural economy.


However, more important than anything for Welsh farming is securing long term access to the European Single Market for our quality farm exports – and making that an essential element in the permanent post Referendum settlement. A Seminar on Welsh Upland Farming hosted at the Show by Aberystwyth University reminded us of the consequences of the withdrawal of public subsidy for farming in New Zealand. It is not the butterflies that have suffered, but rather animal welfare standards, as well as formerly thriving villages and market towns turned to ghost towns. Whilst the positives of a vibrant New Zealand agricultural sector are often cited, the consequences of such huge scale ranch farming would destroy our pattern of community life in Wales, with the Welsh speaking upland areas suffering worst of all.




The farmers with whom I spoke at Llanelwedd agree with the stance of both FUW and NFU Cymru. We urgently need fresh leadership from Welsh Government ahead of any triggering of Article 50 to leave the European Union. Central to that is the reassertion of the vital role for tariff free access to the European Single Market.  The industry needs also to engage with the environmental sector – and the wider public – to stress the critical importance of food security, as well as the public benefits in terms of biodiversity and flood risk management that flow from maintaining human scale family farms. Only proportionate farm support systems from the public purse will safeguard this for the future.


Another reason for genuine leadership on these issues from Welsh Government, from the First Minister down, is the danger of agricultural policy being repatriated from Brussels only for vital powers to be retained at Westminster. This concern has been raised by voices as diverse as Penri James of Bangor University, constitutional expert Sir Paul Silk and well known Radnorshire farmer and commentator, David Hardwick. Despite disquiet about Welsh Government agricultural policy over recent years, in terms of RDP/modulation and the challenges of bovine TB eradication, it would be a strange definition of progress for EU Agricultural Commissioner Phil Hogan to be replaced by Mrs Leadsom. But then, the best outcome for the future of Welsh Agriculture looks rather like Norwegian style EFTA membership, with tariff free trade, free movement of people and a full contribution to the EU budget, just no influence on the rules. Those in Wales who have delivered Brexit for our rural communities really must be careful what they wish for.


William Powell is Welsh Liberal Democrat Spokesman for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. A Powys County Councillor and partner in the family farm, William was Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales in the Fourth Assembly.

9 thoughts on “Brexit – a New Dawn for Welsh Agriculture?

  1. When we visited the show on the Tuesday, there was a man sitting on a tractor just outside the entrance, shouting “it’s the end of the world … the end of the world!”

    I mentioned this to one of the stewards inside the ground. “Oh yes,” she said, “that would be farmer Geddon.”

  2. One silver lining of Brexit that it’s surely impossible for a new policy to be quite as perverse, regressive and murderous as the CAP. Hopefully the new focus will be on preserving and enhancing the natural beauty, biodiversity and ecology of Rural Wales rather than maintaining artificially high food prices to detriment of poor consumers here in Wales and African subsistence farmers. That needn’t mean cutting overall spending, but if we are serious about sustainability it surely has to mean major changes for those farms which cannot survive without protection.

  3. leadson totally ignored small buisness appeals for justice against the banks for misselling toxic loans.good luck welsh farmers your going to need it against this lot.

  4. In a recent article in Daily Telegraph one of its writers stated that in post Brexit world the econmy should be totally ‘open’,and no subsidies for home based agriculture/steel producers.The effect would be to reduce demands on taxpayers,and also allow farmers outside Europe to freely trade in our market and at much lower costs to our consumers. This makes sense in pure ‘economic’ terms,however the social impact on welsh society would be disastrous and by necessity would lead to mass movement of young people from rural areas,as plainly industry isn’t going to moving into such areas.

  5. This article highlights the need for a distinct Welsh farming policy, which does not relegate hill farmers to the role of park keepers, but ensures that we continue to deliver high quality beef and lamb as a fundamental ‘service’ within the wider ecosystem approach.
    Given the topography and geography of wales, livestock production will continue to be the main farming output and so it will be vital to ensure that farmers are given the tools to be competitive within this brave new World.

  6. Very well written article. There is a very real chance that Brexit will result in Wales loosing control of its farming sector and bring an end to traditional farming methods and rural society as we know it.

    As growth slows and austerity grows it will be difficult for any government wishing to win re-election to justify a nine figure benefits package to wealthy rural landowners. As such I can see the views of Mr Lucas gaining traction.

    But as with all things Brexit, the British public have had their say. Now they have to live with the consequences. It’s not like they weren’t warned.

  7. Commentator: Well yes, we know the silly beggars shot themselves in the foot but everyone else’s feet were in the same place and now we are all lame. At least the good voters of Ebbw Vale don’t have to worry about millions of Turkish immigrants any more, though no doubt the Turks will be desolate that they won’t be able to go to Ebbw Vale if they are ever admitted to the EU at some distant date.

  8. The more changes that the government makes with Brexit the more disruption: some people will make money, others will go bankrupt. But bankruptcies lead to more bankruptcies as bills aren’t paid. We don’t know how drastic the Brexit changes will be and how many trading links with the rest of Europe will be cut – the Conservatives get to decide over the summer.
    Nanny May’s locked Boris Liam and David up in their rooms until they tidy the Brexit mess they made and say sorry !

  9. Many farmers have benefited from EU funding to support biodiversity and the environment. This is often lost in the food debate. We needed Europe to help with protecting bees and many other protective environmental measures. Some people call these bureaucratic measures but other call them environmental protection. I am of the latter camp and am very fearful for the future of the planet should the EU collapse because of BREXIT.

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