IWA Professional Training: Decision Making in Wales


February 11 - 09:30 am


February 12 - 02:00 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/iwa-professional-training-decision-making-in-wales-tickets-1041943490027

Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA)

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/institute-of-welsh-affairs-iwa-5331439653
IWA Professional Training courses (Decision Making in Wales and Influencing Political Outcomes) are designed by the IWA.

Please note that this is a two-day course delivered via Zoom.

Our two IWA Professional Training courses (Decision Making in Wales and Influencing Political Outcomes) are designed by the IWA, and led by our Policy and External Affairs Manager, supported by the wider IWA team.

Decision Making in Wales will:

– Give learners a good understanding of how Government and politics work in Wales.

– Provide an overview of the roles of the Senedd and Welsh Government, and how decisions are made.

– Discuss the make-up of the Senedd.

Learning outcomes 

When finishing this course, you will feel confident in your understanding of:

  • The roles of Ministers and MSs
  • How the Senedd and the Cabinet work
  • The differences between the political parties
  • The development of devolution
  • The relationship between Wales and Westminster, and the effects of Brexit
  • How public finance works in Wales

This course will feature a discussion about First Minister’s Questions via Senedd TV.

Who is this course for? 

This course is for people who want a good overview of the structures of decision making in Wales, and the forces that influence them.

Additional Information

This course will be followed by an advanced lobbying course, Influencing Political Outcomes. Previous participants have recommended taking both courses for maximum insight.

IWA membership

Please note IWA members receive advance notice of all IWA events and discounted prices for training. You can join the IWA from just £3 a month.


100% of delegates on the October 2022 Decision Making in Wales course rated it ‘excellent’ or ‘great’. 

“Really got into the detail of the tensions and undercurrent of issues in Welsh politics. Watching FMQs live and discussing was brilliant.”

“I liked the fact that those leading and presenting were extremely knowledgeable and were able to answer questions above and beyond standard responses. This also raised the quality of overall discussion throughout.”

“It always felt like a discussion and never a lecture.”