Wales needs a media infrastructure to match its politics

Blair Jenkins argues that journalism needs a new code of practice fit for the digital age

In Wales, as in every other country, the quality of national debate and discourse is directly related to the integrity and reliability of the news media. Vigilant journalism helps to prevent the erosion of civil liberties and provides significant benefits for wider society.

Much of the recent public discussion about journalism – including the evidence given to the Leveson inquiry – has tended to focus on press regulation. But it is important that the many concerns about the future of serious journalism in the UK should not simply be reduced to a new regulatory imperative for newspapers.

Stronger or smarter regulation is only one of a number of levers that will have to be applied if we are to secure better journalism in the digital age. The work of regulation is largely that of eliminating various forms of bad behaviour, whereas the public interest also requires positive initiatives in support of good journalism. Tougher regulation on its own is not enough.

Most of my work in media and journalism has been in Scotland, but I have spent enough time and enjoyed enough spirited conversation in Wales to have a reasonable understanding of the particular issues here. The relative weakness of Welsh news media is a recurring theme in any industry seminar or debate. There is certainly quality but not enough quantity – something that must be addressed as part of any authentic nation-building. Like others, I look forward to seeing the recommendations from the task and finish group set up by the National Assembly.

News media accountability is of great importance and the Carnegie UK Trust has proposals in its new report – Better Journalism in the Digital Age – on how that might be strengthened and improved. But news quality and news availability are just as significant. There is more than one priority in this debate.

In my view, the most important change needed in the UK is the adoption of a new industry-wide code of conduct for all journalists and news organisations to give much clearer guidance on the higher ethical and editorial standards expected. There are values and principles which ought to be universal and transferable between all bona fide press, broadcast and online news services.

In my experience – in both newspapers and broadcasting – the vast majority of journalists are highly principled and have a strong sense of both professional purpose and public service. They know that being less bad than others is not good enough.

Journalists need an inspiring source of guidance on how they should fulfil their important role. The public also need to know what they should be able to expect from the news media. And the increasing numbers of voluntary or ‘citizen’ journalists should have access to a professional code from which they can adopt good practices.

We also need a new independent press regulator with more substantial (but not statutory) powers to investigate unethical behaviour, and the ability to impose significant sanctions including financial penalties.

A regulator that is independent of both government and the newspaper industry will avoid the risk of real or perceived interference and conflicts of interest. In the absence of statutory regulation, we would have a system of voluntary registration by newspapers and digital news services. I think it is possible to devise incentives which secure unanimous support and participation by all newspapers which wish to be regarded as serious providers of news and information.

One strong incentive – both a carrot and a stick – could be based on the already existing conventions around press accreditation and recognition, the arrangements which give journalists privileged access and special facilities at important places and events.

The many benefits of accreditation could be the key incentive that is required to persuade newspapers to sign up for a new voluntary system of independent regulation. If organisations decide not to participate, they are self-identifying as not being serious news sources and therefore not eligible for those benefits. They are still free to publish what they like, subject to the laws of the land, but they are not given the privileges and special access of responsible news media. This strikes a new balance between benefits and obligations and turns a voluntary act of registration into a commercial imperative.

Other actions will also be required to strengthen the supply of serious and high-quality journalism:

  • The maintenance or strengthening of public service broadcasting to ensure that not all news ventures are commercially driven.
  • Civil society organisations offering help to fund new initiatives to ensure greater quality and diversity of news sources – ventures like the Port Talbot Magnet which address clear gaps in provision.
  • A renewed emphasis in journalism education and training on professional ethics, including a clear commitment to understanding and upholding the public interest.
  • Extending the availability and take-up of high-speed broadband to enable universal access to a wide range of digital news.
  • Industry regulators, universities, civil society bodies and the news media should encourage more public debate around media ethics and behavior.

The current debate over ethical standards in journalism has an unprecedented priority and intensity, but that has to be seen as an opportunity to review policy and practice in a measured way to secure better news media in the digital age. In short, what we want to instil in our newspapers is not deference to authority, but rather the habit of integrity.  It is up to all of us to be part of the debate. It is also up to individuals to take personal responsibility by not buying dishonest or unprincipled news products.

The main purpose of news journalism is to provide important information about significant events and issues, and to do so in a manner that is fair and accurate. So every loaded story, every contrived and hyped version of events, every quote taken out of context, every desperate attempt to find an angle that suits the corporate line, is a betrayal of the profession and a betrayal of the public interest. The question for real journalists should always be: “what is the story here?” It should never be: “how do I shape this story so as to serve a particular agenda or perspective?”

The proposals in the new Carnegie report are intended to act as a contribution to the wider debate and to provide the basis for further thought and discussion. I look forward to my next visit to Wales and to further lively engagement with the many people who care about the future of high-quality news provision in this part of the country. The physical and intellectual architecture of the new Wales is ambitious and the public deserve an equally impressive media infrastructure so that journalism can do its job of fair, accurate and comprehensive scrutiny.

Blair Jenkins is a former head of news and current affairs at both STV and BBC Scotland and chaired the independent Scottish Broadcasting Commission. His report for the Carnegie UK Trust – “Better Journalism in the Digital Age” – is available at:

One thought on “Wales needs a media infrastructure to match its politics

  1. I agree with Blair Jenkins and would also add that I’d hope this would include photojournalism. Some of the best British photojournalists studied in Cardiff and Newport – Roger Hutchings and Tim Hetherington for instance, but there seems little scope left for their work in the Welsh media. Good photojournalism is inspiring and changes opinion – we need more of the traditional campaigning photojournalism commissioned and shown in Wales.

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