The #IWAPodcast: New poll suggests second place for Plaid

The IWA Podcast discusses the findings of the Wales Political Barometer Poll.

Plaid could move to second place with the Conservatives slipping into third as voters visit the polling booth on May 5th. These are the key findings from the latest Welsh Political Barometer Poll.

The poll, conducted by YouGov on behalf of ITV Cymru Wales and the Wales Governance Centre, shows a 3% drop in support for the Conservatives from the previous poll, while Labour remains in the lead.

Jess Blair is joined by Daran Hill, Gareth Hughes and Professor Roger Scully to discuss these findings in the latest IWA Podcast.

Listen below and let us know what you think.


Jess Blair is Policy and Projects Manager at the IWA. Daran Hill is MD of Positif. Gareth Hughes is Golwg's Senedd Correspondent. Professor Roger Scully is Professor of Political Science at the Wales Governance Centre, Cardiff University.

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