This is the IWA response following a review of an article written by Abdul Azim
IWA response to ‘The difficult truths we must acknowledge in challenging racism’
Part of our platform for debate role is to publish views that are uncomfortable and challenging from whatever source or political affiliation as we believe difficult conversations do need to take place in order to make Wales better for its people.
Our policy is to allow people to express their views provided that they are not libellous, or in any other manner defamatory. This will continue to be our policy. It is not our policy to fact check all claims or statements made, as we are not ‘reporting’ but publishing people’s opinions.
Following a review of the article and the reaction to it, we acknowledge that questions have been raised regarding the evidence to support some of the claims, in particular in the paragraph starting ‘Oruj is highlighting an experience…’ and which ends with the word ‘abroad’. We invited the author to expand on the claim made by way of response, or to revise the paragraph.
After discussions with the author, he has decided that he would prefer the article to be withdrawn and we have agreed to his request.