Through a Welsh Lens: the Liberal Democrats’ Vision for Wales

We asked the key parties for their solutions to address the challenges facing Wales. Here’s how the Liberal Democrats answered our questions.

Reinvigorating Wales’ Economy

Question: How do you plan to reinvigorate Wales’ economy? What steps will you take to boost productivity, increase living standards and reduce regional inequalities?

Answer: Our economy has been routinely trashed by both a UK Conservative government and a Welsh Labour government that both have no real grasp on the situation at hand.

We as Liberal Democrats would offer something different from the current status quo and that is a fair deal for all.

A fair deal that will deliver a strong economy through investment, fair taxes, and responsible management of the public finances.

We will encourage our high streets to thrive by slashing business rates for small businesses.

We will also deliver on our promises to invest in our rural areas, prioritising and protecting the interests of our agricultural sector.

Wales’ Net Zero Journey and the Economy

Question: How will your party ensure that the opportunities offered by Wales’ net zero journey are felt in Wales’ economy, in its broadest sense?

Answer: We will have a proactive industrial strategy to invest in the green jobs of the future, backing clean energy projects like the Swansea Bay tidal lagoon and a Celtic wind farm.

We will also work towards creating high-quality engineering jobs to replace those lost at Port Talbot steelworks and elsewhere.

Rebalancing the Economy and Improving Living Standards:

Question: How will you seek to rebalance the Welsh economy to lift people out of poverty and improve living standards for low-and-middle income households?

Answer: For far too long now the people of Wales have had to grapple with the devastating impact of a cost of living crisis.

The Welsh Liberal Democrats believe that a stronger media sphere equals a stronger democracy, which is why we will fight to protect our independent public service broadcasters such as the BBC, S4C and Channel 4.

We as a party want to do everything within our power to help those struggling with rising costs, particularly when it comes to tackling rising energy bills by implementing a proper, one-off windfall tax on the super profits of Oil and gas companies.

We also want to ensure that taxes are finally fair, by lifting the burdens that have been placed on low earners whilst also reversing Conservative tax cuts for big banks.

We also want to repair the broken safety net by reversing Conservative cuts to the welfare system and ensure that people are being properly supported in their journey back into work.

Strengthening Wales’ Media Ecosystem:

Question: If in power, what actions will you take to strengthen our media ecosystem – ensuring that it is fit for purpose in supporting democratic engagement across the nation?

Answer: Our media ecosystem plays a vital role in not only encouraging democratic engagement, but also in scrutinising our political institutions and holding them to account when necessary.

The Welsh Liberal Democrats believe that a stronger media sphere equals a stronger democracy, which is why we will fight to protect our independent public service broadcasters such as the BBC, S4C and Channel 4.

We will also look towards passing a comprehensive “Anti-SLAPP Law” to help protect whistleblowers and media scrutiny against the threat of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation.

We’ll also look to encourage quality, diversity and choice in both print and online media by supporting independent, Leveson-complaint regulation.

Reinvigorating Wales’ Democracy:

Question: How will your party look to reinvigorate Wales’ democracy, overcoming its current democratic malaise?

Answer: The Welsh Liberal Democrats have always been at the forefront of political reform. We have been arguing for more powers for Wales, fairer voting and lowering the voting age, and we support measures to promote a more open and accountable politics.

The shambolic Conservative Government has created a crisis for democracy in this country, with their cronyism, rule-breaking and constant sleaze scandals.

Meanwhile Welsh Labour have shown that they are no stranger to political scandal, with the ongoing Vaughan Gething donation debacle that is threatening our democratic values here in Wales. 

It is a symptom of a broken political system, which enables governments to take families up and down the country for granted.

That is why we will be pledging on a cap to the amount of money that political parties can receive from an individual donor.

We will also be pushing to introduce proportional representation by Single Transferable Vote for elected representatives, and strengthen democratic rights and participation by scrapping the Conservatives’ voter ID scheme and giving 16- and 17-year-olds the right to vote in all elections.”

Gofod i drafod, dadlau, ac ymchwilio.
Cefnogwch brif felin drafod annibynnol Cymru.


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