Dylan Moore takes a look at Sam Adams’ coming of age story set in Spain 1954.

Essays, interviews and reviews related to the arts, media and cultures of Wales.
Dylan Moore takes a look at Sam Adams’ coming of age story set in Spain 1954.
Rhiannon White writes that we cannot be constrained by our traditional understanding of theatre.
Public Service Media has adapted well and shown its value during this crisis but the biggest challenges are up ahead, writes Owen Evans.
Covid-19 will dramatically affect the Arts which means we need to make sure that we build bridges with our communities, writes Graeme Farrow.
Jane Davidson gives us a glimpse of her book #futuregen which launches today.
Dylan Moore introduces issue 64 of the welsh agenda magazine with a call for us all to use this unique moment wisely
Adam Somerset reminds us that human history has often been a story of unknown disease sweeping the globe
Before lockdown, Tom Cheesman and Filiz Celik met with Memet Ali Alabora at Volcano Theatre in Swansea, after his performance of the one-man play Meleketimden Insan Manazaralari – Human Landscapes from My Country, written by Nazim Hikmet.
Dylan Moore urges us to begin our lockdown reading with ‘Godbothering’, Rhidian Brook’s collection of ‘Thoughts 2000-2020’, which may help us gain perspective on the current crisis.