As the latest examination of Welsh history continues on BBC 1 Wales tonight, Angela Graham reflects on the interpreters

Essays, interviews and reviews related to the arts, media and cultures of Wales.
As the latest examination of Welsh history continues on BBC 1 Wales tonight, Angela Graham reflects on the interpreters
Lisa Powell profiles three Rhondda artists who, she believes, deserve wider recognition
John Osmond admires a rare exhibition in the Valleys that leads us to reflect on how we spend our ‘our brief eternities’
On International Women’s Day Kirsty Davies unveils a new Welsh organization that is campaigning for equal opportunities
Martin Johnes reflects on how some flame-bearers of the Welsh past can burn our fingers
Derek Jones applauds with some reservations the new national television history that began this week
John Osmond reads between the lines of a book about last year’s Assembly referendum that was launched yesterday
Geraint Talfan Davies reflects on our national day and how we might have ended up with another saint
Rachael Jolley interviews playwright Tim Price about his sense of identity