Simon Brooks asks why the language has not flourished in devolved Wales

Reflections on life as it is lived in all parts of Wales, and stories of Welsh lives across the world.
Simon Brooks asks why the language has not flourished in devolved Wales
Rodney Sharp looks back at the life of a Welshman who made a major contribution to winning World War II
Peter Stead describes how Cliff Morgan took the fellowship of rugby into his subsequent career as a broadcaster
Trevor Fishlock looks back at the life and career of Elaine Morgan
Monitise are the winners of the Creative Industries Development Award sponsored by the Welsh Government
Melissa Anderson is the winner of the Sport award sponsored by Sports Wales
Hayley Davies is the winner of the Business Leader award sponsored by Leadership & Management Wales
Georgia Garner is the winner of the Young Achiever award sponsored by Wales & West Utilities
Sean Crowley is winner of the Arts & Culture award sponsored by Orchard Media & Events Group