Jonathan Brooks-Jones reveals the winners at last night’s glittering Inspire Wales Awards in Cardiff City Hall

Reflections on life as it is lived in all parts of Wales, and stories of Welsh lives across the world.
Jonathan Brooks-Jones reveals the winners at last night’s glittering Inspire Wales Awards in Cardiff City Hall
Leighton Andrews AM Minister for Education and skills
Institute of Welsh Politics Aberystwyth, 14 May 2012
Wales: The State of the Nation; Assembly Member Controversy; Sweeping Gains for Welsh Labour in Local Government Poll; Global Democracy and the War on Terror
Carwyn Jones, First Minister for Wales, Future Inns Hotel, Cardiff Bay, Wales and the Changing Union conference, 30 March 2012
Hugh Richards reflects on the life of the sweat banded, Zapata-moustached Mervyn Davies, a master of timing
Peter Edwards reflects on the life of Philip Madoc, a consummate professional who knew ‘his own people’
Leighton Andrews, Learning from the Best, All Nations Centre, Cardiff, 8 March 2012
John Osmond reflects on the life of Emlyn Hooson who died earlier this week
David Melding