Henry Brooke explores the legal and financial implications of leaving the EU
IWA podcast: 2017 General Election – the day after
Rhea Stevens is joined by Nick Ramsay AM, Bethan Jenkins AM, Lesley Griffiths AM, and Daran Hill to discuss their initial reflections on the results of the General Election
Everyone’s a Loser?
Cathy Owens reflects on last night’s results and emerging lessons for the parties in Wales
Organisational leadership in Wales
Colin Heyman considers the quality of organisational leadership in Wales
Broadcasting and devolution in the general election
Stephen Cushion argues that broadcast election coverage needs to do better at explaining devolved issues
#GE2017 : new characters, drama and hollywood
Mat Mathias gives a view on the general election campaign in recent days
Health and social care funding: have any political parties got a grip on the challenge ahead?
Joseph Ogle assesses the implications of the UK party proposals for health and social care for devolved spending in Wales
Indycurious Wales
Dr Dafydd Trystan examines the evidence from a recent poll on Welsh independence
IWA podcast: 2017 General Election – a week to go
Rhea Stevens is joined by Laura McAllister and Daran Hill to discuss where the parties are with a week to go.