Simon Brooks bemoans the centralisation of Wales in Cardiff.

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Simon Brooks bemoans the centralisation of Wales in Cardiff.
Oliver Townsend outlines new evidence that backs investment in preventative health and social care measures.
Angela Graham reviews Tony Hall’s recent speech in Cardiff about the future of the BBC.
Dr Richard Greville looks at a recent survey asking consultants for their view of drugs availability in Wales.
Speech by Tony Hall, Director-General of the BBC, at the Cardiff Business Club on 23 November 2015.
Bethan Jenkins outlines some of the issues that parties will need to consider ahead of any discussion of air strikes against ‘Islamic State’.
Roger Scully considers the implications of political events at a UK level on next year’s Assembly elections.
Jessica McQuade explains how Wales can play its part in tackling global climate change at COP21.
Ed Poole and Guto Ifan look at the changes in spending on health across the UK.