Daniel Evans says the focus on foreign investment is undermining the Welsh economy.
The Learning Power of PISA?
Professor Alma Harris says a blind spot has emerged with a focus on PISA as a target.
The Welsh Davos?
Sarah Morse reports on a three day symposium which has brought global economic experts to Wales.
But what does the Teacher think?
Ty Golding responds to Mel Ainscow on Schools Challenge Cymru.
Pathways to Success
Mel Ainscow says Schools Challenge Cymru is showing promising signs for Welsh education
Should employability be devolved?
Deri Ap Hywel looks at the scope to devolve aspects of employment to Wales.
Writers at risk of entering politics
Jasmine Donahaye says recent events will put writers off standing to be politicians.
The future of the UK?
The future of the UK is being dealt with in an ad hoc manner says the IWA’s Constitutional Convention
Can we afford a fairer Wales?
Powers over welfare could offer a different policy route for Wales, but is this affordable?