Following the UK Government Budget and Spending Review, and as scrutiny of the Welsh Government draft budget 2022-23 continues in

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Following the UK Government Budget and Spending Review, and as scrutiny of the Welsh Government draft budget 2022-23 continues in
Danielle Bragg considers why the industrial decarbonisation of South Wales provides the optimal scenario to develop green skills.
Shea Buckland-Jones argues Wales’ responsibility in addressing climate change and deforestation extends beyond its borders.
We’re still not making the connections that matter on climate change, says Future Generations Commissioner for Wales Sophie Howe from COP 26.
One week into the COP26 Summit, Will Henson reflects on the Welsh Government’s recent plan to reach Net Zero.
Dai Davies argues that occupational therapists’s holistic approach to care can play a key part in health equity.
Dr John Ball raises some of the practical issues involved in facing global warming, and asks if COP26 will offer solutions.
Dr Jack Watkins offers an analysis of the UK Government’s 2021 Budget announcements and its impact on Wales.
In ‘Renewing the Focus: Re-energising Wales Two Years On’, the IWA argues we need a plan that will decarbonise and develop Wales’ Economy.