Angela Graham calls for Wales to respond to Tony Hall after his recent speech on TV in Wales.
Wales, sleepwalking to independence?
Lee Waters examines the consequences for Wales of Scottish independence
Europe between sceptics and structural mistakes
Gianluca Crisci gives an international perspective of next week’s European Elections.
Reforming Council Tax
Peter Black examines the proposals for taxation in the latest IWA Senedd Paper
Sustainability law moves closer to reality
Anne Meikle says that the Future Generations Bill can make a real difference to sustainable development in Wales.
Economic Intelligence and Fiscal Devolution in Wales
Andrew Crawley makes the case for better economic intelligence in Wales prior to tax devolution
Confession of a prejudiced pro-European
Geraint Talfan Davies admits to his pro-European prejudice.
A Real Citizen Service for Wales
Andy Bevan gives an update on steps he’s taking to make ‘A real citizen service for Wales’ a reality.
A law made in Wales for Wales
Mary van den Heuvel welcomes a potential end to 15 minute care visits