Darlith yr Eisteddfod Sefydliad Materion Cymreig – Arian Ewrop — ai diwylliant dibyniaeth diweddaraf Cymru?
Simple A-grade comparisons do not tell the full story
Geraint Talfan Davies looks at how Wales compares with English regions on top grade A-levels
Decentralisation needed to tackle North/South divide
Speaking at an IPPR North conference in Manchester Leanne Wood says England and Englishness should not be the preserve of the far right
What’s Whitehall’s beef with the Agricultural Bill?
As the second Assembly Bill gets referred to the UK Supreme Court Manon George looks at the latest legal wrangle to stall a Welsh law
Future of friendly rivalry between Wales and England
Robin Tilbrook explains why English Democrats are supporting the SNP’s campaign to dissolve the UK
An English Parliament not the answer
Paul Salveson says the North of England can only dance to its own tune
Welsh risk entrapment in ‘botched’ state
Eddie Bone says if Wales wants to entrench its own institutions it should support the Campaign for an English Parliament
UKIP’s ‘blood and bitter’ reactionary nationalism
Niki Seth-Smith says the political left need to sieze control of the English identity question
Scraping away the past to find the present
Katie Harris talks to Peter Finch talks about his latest book, his development as a writer and his obsession with Cardiff