Gerry Holtham explains how the National Assembly’s block grant has become the arbitrary result of a series of historical accidents
Winners and losers in another Welsh council shake-up
Mike Hedges says another reorganisation of local government could cost some Council Tax payers dear
While England shifts right Wales goes left
Jill Evans says UKIP’s failure to make an impact marks out Welsh politics
Small-scale farmers need help to hold on to their land
Greg Akall says there is an answer to hunger across the world if western governments are wiling to grasp it
The role of schools in promoting Welsh citizenship
Martin Johnes explores how we can avoid the marginalisation of Welsh history in the curriculum
Cool heads needed in a warming climate
Alun James says Wales has an opportunity to lead the way in the imperative to reduce carbon emissions
How Wales can lead in public service change
Dylan Jones-Evans discovers that we are big enough to scale beyond the local but small enough to adopt an innovation strategy
Help needed for 20,000 Welsh women
Cathy Owens says its time for Wales to lead the way by appointing a Commissioner to tackle sexual violence
We can do better than manage decline of Welsh television
Angela Graham disagrees with parking the devolution of broadcasting to the National Assembly