John Ashley reports on an IWA debate on the future of a neglected region of Wales
Taxing dilemmas for UK’s future
John Osmond reports on a debate amongst experts from the four corners of the changing union on how best to finance devolution
Manufacturing bright spot for Wales
Dylan Jones-Evans examines one aspect of the Welsh economy that offers some encouragement
Scotland needs another convention
Iain MacWhirter says the Yes campaign needs to bridge the Scottish confidence gap, its psychology of national defeatism
Taxing charity shops no answer for Welsh high streets
Ray Hurcombe argues that changing the business rates regime in Wales will undermine care delivered by voluntary organisations
Decade of cuts continues at Western Mail
John Osmond warns the end of our national daily and other Welsh titles is in sight unless new support for newspapers can be found
Titan gaol off Welsh richter scale
Robert Jones says plans for a new super prison in north Wales are at odds with the region’s real needs
We will vote to stay in
David Melding says both unionists and nationalists face contradictions when confronting membership of Britain and the European Union
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad January 2013
Presiding Officer ponders over Assembly equality; How to finance small businesses in Wales… see Germany; EU versus fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists