Heini Gruffudd finds encouragement in the number of genuine young Welsh speakers being higher than the overall percentage
Census debate 3: Welsh can find confident place in changing world
Cynog Dafis argues that the language’s advocates need to snap out of their angst-ridden crisis mentality
The view from Llandudno
Leighton Andrews AM Minister for Education and Skills; IWA 25th Anniversary, Llandudno, 6 December 2012
Census debate 2: Staggering complacency confronts language
Robin Crag Farrar and Toni Schiavone say the language needs a strong economic base and effective community planning
Census debate 1: Seeking an oasis amongst a mirage of statistics
Simon Brooks says ticking a box is a subjective and notoriously unreliable way of measuring the health of the Welsh language
False prospectus underpins Natural Resources Wales
Jon Owen Jones says the creation of Wales’s biggest quango is following a costly pattern
Kung Fu Carwyn on Twitter
Peter Finch wonders whether the world is chattering itself into deafness
Growth debate 3: Way ahead retrofitting not fracking
Calvin Jones and Martin M. Jones argue that our future relies on learning to live with the sunshine that comes today
Growth debate 2: Welsh economy needs a shove
John Osmond asks whether we should be putting ‘green’ aspirations on the back burner while we catch up with the rest of the UK