Roger Scully analyses some of the consequences of devolution becoming the settled will of the people of Wales
Wales Office versus Welsh Government
Daran Hill says David Jones sees his role as policing legislation made in Wales
After Leanne’s honeymoon
David Taylor says Plaid’s idea of a wiki manifesto is a distraction from engaging the electorate with a serious set of policies
Leanne’s gamble in the Valleys
Ed Bridges says the Plaid leader’s decision to contest a constituency seat is brave but one that could backfire
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad October 2012
Legal Tussles galore; Changes for Plaid Cymru; All aboard the barrage bandwagon; Borrowing Powers announcement leaves Wales waiting for Silk
Jimmy Savile and the BBC
Anthony Barnett says we need to get to the heart of ‘our own complicity’ in the paedophile scandals engulfing the news agenda
Assembly needs reserved powers model
Carwyn Jones argues for a new devolution settlement to give Wales a Scottish-style relationship with Westminster
The Future of the Union: Wales
First Minister of Wales, the Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, London School of Economics, 8 November 2012.
Question mark hangs over Police Commissioner elections
Sophie Chambers says that a low turn-out in next week’s elections would undermine the legitimacy of the new system