Richard Wyn Jones argues that the creation of Dyfodol offers a chance to create a ‘genuinely effective’ language movement
Wales needs to re-evaluate Severnside concept
Mark Barry argues that the south west Britain economy needs some transformative new thinking
Kick starting a debate on the UK’s future
John Osmond queries how likely it is that we will reach for a federal answer to the problems thrown up by devolution
Hitler’s face looms out of a Swansea house
Richard Porch reflects on the meanings of animism in architecture
Jerusalem remains a divided city
Jill Evans reports on the precarious and worsening conditions experienced by Palestinians living in the West Bank
Joined-up long-term strategy need to tackle Welsh NEETs
Rick Libbey says we have lost our way in guiding young people into employment
Your multicultural nation is not necessarily mine
Daniel G. Williams investigates the contrasting narratives used to describe British compared with Welsh or Scottish nationalism
Questioning the rebirth of Welsh coal
Malcolm Prowle argues that open-cast mining should not have a major role in the future of our economy
Feedback vital for procurement in Wales
Dermot Cahill and Ceri Evans describe a survey of Welsh companies’ experience in tendering for public sector contracts