Elain Price says new voices are needed to bring greater diversity to the channel’s output

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Elain Price says new voices are needed to bring greater diversity to the channel’s output
While the drop in unemployment is welcome it does not indicate any great growth, says Gareth Hughes
Geraint Talfan Davies examines the First Minister’s statement on the Welsh Government’s legislative priorities and the processes that will follow.
First Minister Carwyn Jones’ statement to the National Assembly today
John Osmond says yesterday’s announcement on new powers for the Scottish Parliament should give our First Minister some ideas
Eurfyl ap Gwilym says Plaid Cymru needs to rediscover the policies that differentiate it from the other parties
Llywelyn Rhys asks whether Wales will miss out on the renewable energy revolution
Alan Trench reports on the latest gathering of the leaders of the UK and devolved governments
John Osmond makes a plea for a new television series to engage with the present as well as the past