As Welsh Labour forms a government John Osmond takes issue with a view that constituency and List members in the Assembly have a different democratic legitimacy

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
As Welsh Labour forms a government John Osmond takes issue with a view that constituency and List members in the Assembly have a different democratic legitimacy
Anthony Barnett says that the contrast between the outcome of the Scottish election and the AV vote signals an opportunity for a genuinely democratic party south of the border
Geraint Talfan Davies asks whether Scotland’s four years of minority government could be a template for the next Welsh Government
Gerry Hassan says last week’s watershed election north of the border is a sign of a deep, long-term transformation underway in his country’s political culture
John Osmond surveys the dilemmas that face all the Welsh parties as they cope with the outcome of yesterday’s election
Rhys Andrews questions whether reduction of Welsh local authorities will achieve the desired results
John Osmond hazards some guesses as to how a soporific campaign might lead to a nervous breakdown in the next few days
Geraint Talfan Davies sees the parties building cultural policy in Wales without much money
Syd Morgan and Alan Sandry speculate on the political implications of a Rainbow coalition