Stevie Upton unveils a new study on attainment by students aged 11 to 14 in Welsh schools

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Stevie Upton unveils a new study on attainment by students aged 11 to 14 in Welsh schools
Dylan Jones-Evans says the fact that Dublin is closer to Holyhead than Belfast underlines the case for Welsh discretion over corporation tax
John Osmond hears some advice about digitally connecting Wales
Madoc Batcup sets out the case for a lower rate of corporation tax for Wales
Eurfyl ap Gwilym casts an eye over the UK budget and its implications for Welsh politics
Peter Stead reflects on the passing of an icon whose consort observed didn’t look very different from his own sisters in Port Talbot
Geraint Talfan Davies asks where are the independent candidates for the S4C chairmanship
Geraint Talfan Davies sees big dangers ahead for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, in the BBC’s plans for more cuts.
John Osmond reports on a conference looking forward to the Assembly election in May