John Osmond reports on a conference which yesterday examined the interface between the private and public sectors in Wales

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
John Osmond reports on a conference which yesterday examined the interface between the private and public sectors in Wales
Charlie Jeffery says that following last week’s referendum Wales will have to become more self-reliant
Charlie Jeffrey, Professor of Politics, Edinburgh University.
Welsh Governance Centre, St David’s Day lecture 2011
John Osmond discerns the outline of a political deal emerging to hitch taxation powers to the wheels of Barnett reform
Gordon James calls for the next Assembly to deliver an Environmental Rights Law
John Osmond says the arguments are mounting for a move to increase the size of the National Assembly
Michaela Breeze argues that that sport should sit at the top of the curriculum
Wyn Hobson looks back on the 2007 coalition negotiations and suggests some principles for expediting the process following 5 May
John Osmond ponders how the parties will fair in the run-up to the May Assembly election