IWA and Cardiff Business Partnership publish a ground-breaking report on the need to upgrade the rail network across south-east Wales

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
IWA and Cardiff Business Partnership publish a ground-breaking report on the need to upgrade the rail network across south-east Wales
Donny O’Rourke reflects on a new biography of Scotand’s leading poet of the last half century
Gerry Hassan explores the next steps on the road to self-determination for SNP
Yes, no, maybe – The referendum in March; Opt in or opt out? The troubled Organ Donation LCO; Rail electrification – can Wales wait until March?
Carl Morris describes an innovative conference being held this weekend aimed at increasing Wales’ presence on the web
Geraint Talfan Davies issues an invitation to enlighten the faint-hearted
Kirsty Davies finds a gap between the rhetoric of the Westminster and Welsh Governments on women’s representation and the reality on the ground
Geraint Talfan Davies looks forward to the second annual Inspire Wales Awards
John Palmer says France and Germany will not allow a full-blown euro-area solvency crisis