Geraint Talfan Davies examines the UK Culture Secretary’s plans for local television and his willingness to let ITV off the hook.

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Geraint Talfan Davies examines the UK Culture Secretary’s plans for local television and his willingness to let ITV off the hook.
Geraint Talfan Davies wishes more from Wales were at Salford University’s 18th annual Nation and Regions Media Conference in Manchester
John Osmond unpacks the reasons why the No campaign has decided to refuse funding from the Electoral Commission
Steve Thomas says local government’s priorities are to protect front line services and avoid job losses
David Reynolds asks who will provide the ‘tough love’ that the Welsh education system needs
Alan Trench assesses the problems on both sides of the Assembly referendum
John Ball says public sector dominance must come to an end if the Welsh economy is to flourish
In a key-note speech delivered last night at the IWA North Wales branch’s annual dinner, Carwyn Jones set out the key themes for Welsh Labour ahead of the May elections.
John Osmond argues for upgrading Wales’s internal strategic motoring routes by constructing regular passing places