Dave Smith gives an insight into the way the Scots are planning a way forward for broadcasting that has parallels with Wales

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Dave Smith gives an insight into the way the Scots are planning a way forward for broadcasting that has parallels with Wales
Mari Beynon Owen argues that loyalty to a brand that overrides the remote is no longer valid for any broadcaster
Roger Williams says S4C should reinvent itself as mainstream service after the 7pm watershed
Gwion Owain sheds light on the continuing problems within S4C and suggests a way forward
David Marquand analyses an attack on the English public domain of citizenship, service, and equity that is washing against the Welsh border
Geraint Talfan Davies puts the Arts Council of Wales’s investment decisions in context
Peter Edwards warns S4C against becoming self-regarding and introverted
Gareth Clubb makes the case for devolving the railways
Gareth Clubb says that if we stick with diesel we will be stuck in the past