Deian Hopkin says Wales’ approach to university funding means devolution has come of age

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Deian Hopkin says Wales’ approach to university funding means devolution has come of age
Stuart Cole argues that only a seamless continuous investment approach to electrification of the Great Western lines makes sense
Malcolm Prowle says the NHS cannot be isolated from other public services
Alun Ffred Jones argues that it is better for the Welsh Government rather than the courts to lay out Welsh language rights
Helen Mary Jones says the Welsh government’s budget choices reflect clear priorities and strong leadership
Geraint Talfan Davies suggests a way forward out of the S4C chaos
Alun Davies says Welsh Government has to pick up the pieces after the UK coalition’s economic crash
Nick Ramsay says the Welsh Government should do away with freebies such as universal free prescriptions to help protect the rest of the health budget
Peter Black argues that the budget takes economic recovery for granted