Morgan Parry says Wales now has the opportunity to pioneer an integrated approach to dealing with biodiversity loss and make its mark in Europe

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Morgan Parry says Wales now has the opportunity to pioneer an integrated approach to dealing with biodiversity loss and make its mark in Europe
We have stopped pulling sound old buildings down but we have not found a way to bring them back into use, says Rhys David
Mari Williams argues that Welsh civilisation is the poorer for the decline of the teaching of Latin and Greek
Rhys David questions why Welsh language print and broadcast media make so little use of material from outside Wales
The higher and further education systems are undergoing a transformation in Wales
Menna Machreth exlains what it is about Wales that turns her on
Looking forward to a good old age
Geraint Talfan Davies says the UK Government’s proposals for S4C should force a debate on the whole broadcasting structure in Wales
Malcolm Prowle says the Welsh Government should downsize as a response to today’s Comprehensive Spending Review