Hilary Lloyd Yewlett explains how curiosity about her family history led her in search of the Merediths of Radnorshire

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Hilary Lloyd Yewlett explains how curiosity about her family history led her in search of the Merediths of Radnorshire
John Osmond reports on Rhodri Morgan’s recommendations for a successful Welsh economy
Peter Fox says it is ludicrous that a single objection can delay a local authority school reorganisation plan for years
Rodney Berman says the First Minister’s decision to oppose Cardiff Council’s proposals for schools reorganisation in Canton is a ‘game-changer’
David Hanson argues that forcing criminals across the border to serve time makes them more likely to re-offend and undermines rehabilitation
Geraint Talfan Davies discovers a decline of viewers of television news about Wales
Richard Livsey addresses the challenge of creating innovative, indigenous enterprises
John Rostron complains that Cheryl Gillan just doesn’t get the Welsh music scene
Andy Mycock says Labour’s new leader will have to reconcile his English, Scottish and Welsh parties in a new set of relationships