Paula Manley represented Wales at this year’s UN Convention on the Status of Women in New York

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Paula Manley represented Wales at this year’s UN Convention on the Status of Women in New York
Gwion Owain goes behind the headlines to unpack the resignation of Iona Jones as the Welsh channel’s chief executive
Editorial in the Summer 2010 issue of Agenda predicts some ‘family rows’ between the UK nations
This year’s IWA Eisteddfod lecture is being printed courtesy of a file discovered in an attic
Alan Trench warns the proposed merger of the Health Protection Agency and Department of Health could have catastrophic consequences
Peter Davies says abolition of Sustainable Development Commission could provide an opportunity for Wales
Geraint Talfan Davies listens to an historic statement about the BBC’s intent to reflect the nations of the UK
Jana Bennett, Director of Vision, BBC
Cardiff and Co Ambassadors Event
26 July 2010
The departure of one of Wales’s leading civil servants reveals a personality clash at the heart of government policy