The Inspire Wales Awards are an initiative of the Institute of Welsh Affairs in association with the Western Mail.

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
The Inspire Wales Awards are an initiative of the Institute of Welsh Affairs in association with the Western Mail.
The Inspire Wales Awards are an initiative of the Institute of Welsh Affairs in association with the Western Mail.
The Inspire Wales Awards are an initiative of the Institute of Welsh Affairs in association with the Western Mail.
The Inspire Wales Awards are an initiative of the Institute of Welsh Affairs in association with the Western Mail.
David Williams says we need some serious journalism at peak viewing time on Welsh television
‘Respect agenda’ seems to be working well for Holyrood but is not much in evidence in Cardiff Bay
Geraint Talfan Davies assesses the UK Culture Secretary’s decision to ditch plans for an independent news service for ITV in Wales
Jonathan Brooks-Jones wonders whether the Welsh capital’s new mission statement will lead to ‘Austerity Cardiff’ or ‘Cut-back City’
David Melding says we should think of devolution when reforming the upper chamber