Suzy Davies MS argues that the impact of Covid-19 on schools should mean delaying the implementation of the new curriculum

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Suzy Davies MS argues that the impact of Covid-19 on schools should mean delaying the implementation of the new curriculum
Doctors are seeing a rise in demand for NHS services as lockdown restrictions are eased but, as things stand, they won’t be able to manage patient demand, writes Dr David Bailey.
Next year’s Welsh Parliamentary elections can still be a turning point in Wales’ devolved politics, argues Matt Smith.
Seeking sanctuary has never been easy, but coronavirus has made building a new life in Wales even more challenging, writes Holly Taylor.
Gareth Evans writes that delays in re-opening schools and a desire to avoid rocking the boat means that pupils are the ultimate losers.
Dr John Ball writes that proponents of a federalist solution to the United Kingdom forget that power devolved is power retained.
A Universal Basic Income, Green New Deal and a four-day week is the ambitious, radical future we need to fight for, argues Jack Sargeant MS.
Dr. Richard Greville argues that we are stronger together and only through collaboration can we successfully tackle COVID-19.
Nathan Owen encourages Welsh Government to think more inclusively and dynamically about their consultation process.