David Reynolds says the education funding gap will only be closed by cutting the number of local authorities

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
David Reynolds says the education funding gap will only be closed by cutting the number of local authorities
Peter Finch considers following the trail of the Barnett Formula a modern-day equivalent of the quest for the Holy Grail
Revival of fears about a double-dip recession in the wake of the problems affecting the Eurozone has made it a tough month for Welsh shares, reports Rhys David
Ahead of the Welsh Defence League rally tomorrow, Rev. Aled Edwards on how all of us in Wales have a right to be different and distinctive, whilst being equally Welsh.
Setting the scene for a major IWA conference on the future of coalition politics in Cardiff on 9 July
The UK General Election and Wales; What’s going on with the referendum?; The short straw for women in Westminster; How can Welsh businesses thrive and grow?
A new deal for the BBC services for Wales is called for in the IWA’s response to a BBC Strategy Review that ignored Wales
Deuparth gwaith ei ddechrau, two thirds of a job is starting it, suggests Eurfyl ap Gwilym
Tom Nairn says we are living through a most peculiar constitutional revolution