Days of Higher Education institutions being the “last resting place of the crachach” are numbered

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Days of Higher Education institutions being the “last resting place of the crachach” are numbered
Leighton Andrews AM, Minister for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning
Cardiff University’s Regeneration Institute
25 May 2010
John Osmond says regulation regime is slowing small-scale hydro-electric schemes aimed at reducing CO2 emissions across Wales
Trevor Herbert says an Open University course on Welsh history is proving a world-wide hit
John Osmond examines the latest results from the 2010 Welsh Election Survey
by Geraint Talfan Davies
William Hodgkins Memorial Lecture
Cardiff Adult Christian Education Centre
21 May 2010
Jonathan Brooks-Jones reports from the IWA’s Food in the City conference, held in Cardiff this week
Elin Jones, Minister for Rural Affairs,
Food in the City conference
24 May 2010
Madoc Batcup says London-centric BBC producers continue to ignore Wales and should be held to account