Geraint Talfan Davies argues that first-past-the-post has exacerbated our post-election dilemmas

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Geraint Talfan Davies argues that first-past-the-post has exacerbated our post-election dilemmas
Laura McAllister says this wasn’t an election to be a political pundit
Denis Balsom offers some immediate thoughts on the General Election results in Wales
Can the Lib Dems can overcome their first-past-the-post mindset
Rhys David reports that Welsh shares could have given investors useful returns over the past six months, but they would have had to choose carefully
Nick Ainger, Labour’s candidate in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, reports on a funding backlash
The 2010 election campaign has exposed our corrupt electoral system as never before
Jonathan Edwards, Plaid’s candidate in Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, says canvassing is like opening a box of chocolates
Guy Lodge asks why no one noticed that a hung parliament would trigger a constitutional crisis in England