Peter Stead reflects on a famous Welshman who continues to be part of who we think we are

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Peter Stead reflects on a famous Welshman who continues to be part of who we think we are
Geraint Talfan Davies examines three caricatures of ‘regional profligacy’ in the UK
Conservative Montgomery candidate Glyn Davies says he’s out of step with a campaign driven by the London-centric media
Prospects mount for a typically bloodless British revolution this Thursday
Liberal Democrat Ed Townsend gives his impressions of fighting Newport East
In a television dominated election campaign Derek Jones puts in a word for local hustings
A report on the UK election sent by Tom Nairn to the Australian news website
Peter Stead says Leaders Debates are now a permanent fixture of general elections
When referring to the Welsh Government we should beware of confusion and acronyms