Martin Johnes says broadcasters and Welsh politicians can learn from the television drama of the present Westminster election campaign

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Martin Johnes says broadcasters and Welsh politicians can learn from the television drama of the present Westminster election campaign
Alan Trench says the BBC’s coverage has demonstrated the gulf between how politics is understood in London and the rest of the UK
Jonathan Brooks-Jones examines a key Welsh issue in the general election campaign
Peter Stead’s response to Nick Bourne’s article, posted here this morning.
A Welsh European who found us new horizons
Taking issue with Peter Stead, Nick Bourne says David Cameron has the right vision for Britain
Eurfyl ap Gwilym asks what exactly is the size of the spending cuts being planned for Wales following the election
Spooked by aliens David Williams says the election campaign is getting surreal
In denial the voters simply don’t want to hear about spending cuts or taxes