Geraint Talfan Davies argues against knee-jerk reactions to senior salaries

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Geraint Talfan Davies argues against knee-jerk reactions to senior salaries
Peter Davies reports on the Welsh Government’s consultation on how to spend its economic development budget
Eurfyl ap Gwilym unpicks the economic and political implications of this week’s budget
Are you inspired by others? Award closing dates are drawing nearer, don’t miss out on your chance to nominate.
Geraint Talfan Davies says Pope Benedict’s pastoral letter to his church in Ireland misjudges the public mood
The long-awaited Welsh language Measure; The Welsh Energy Revolution; John Osmonds take on First Minister Carwyn Jones’ first 100 days in office; Peter Davies, the Sustainable Development Commissioner for Wales and his views from ‘down under’.
John Osmond marks an anniversary for the First Minister’s and says the hard tests are yet to come
Eurfyl ap Gwilym says this week’s Wales Audit Office report forecasting £3 billion spending cuts will frame the May 2011 Assembly elections
Alan Trench reports on the House of Lords debate on the Barnett Formula