Hywel Ceri Jones says Wales should be alert to the opportunities from more co-ordinated European Union economic and social policies in the wake of the Irish Yes vote on the Lisbon Treaty

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Hywel Ceri Jones says Wales should be alert to the opportunities from more co-ordinated European Union economic and social policies in the wake of the Irish Yes vote on the Lisbon Treaty
Anthony Barnett probes the political agenda behind the BBC’s invitation to BNP leader Nick Griffin to appear on Question Time
John Osmond listens as Rhodri Morgan reflects on why he decided he was a perfect fit as First Minister
Howard Williamson examines the government’s engagement with young people who are not in work, education or training.
John Osmond reports from an IWA History, Science and Heritage conference
Kirsty Davies says the Welsh Government’s cuts to higher and further education are shortsighted
Geraint Talfan Davies looks back at the Welsh broadcaster’s last book, published earlier this year
John Osmond and Laura McAllister challenge David Melding’s advocacy of a federal solution to the dilemmas of devolution, set out in his book published by the IWA, Will Britain Survive Beyond 2020?
John Osmond argues that this does not feel like a 1997 moment