Gerry Hassan analyses the impact of the SNP Government’s announcement of a Bill for a referendum on opening negotiations with the UK Government on Scottish independence.
Cofiwch Dryweryn
John Osmond reflects on the future political economy of Wales’s water resources
Wales’s new constitution – the first two years.
Address at the Bala National Eisteddfod, August 2009
Dafydd Elis Thomas AM, Presiding Office, National Assembly
Comparing the Welsh economy with the world
Brian Morgan calls for a realistic assessment of the Welsh economy:
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad August 2009
August 2009: Out with the old, in with the new: a wave of AMs to stand down at 2011 election – Welsh laws for next year announced: Assembly Government unveils its programme – Assembly Government to consult on tighter GM controls: crop growers to be liable? – Funding Wales: reports’ pressure to re-examine funding formula.
How much more wealthy have we become in Wales?
Eurfyl ap Gwilym considers how to gauge wealth in Wales:
Search for a Welsh Broadcasting Lifebelt
Geraint Talfan Davies assesses the significance of the Assembly Government’s new review of creative industries in Wales
Broadcasting Battle Enters Final Straight
Geraint Talfan Davies calls for a campaign against the failure of the Westminster Government’s Digital Britain report to respond to Welsh needs
Measuring Wealth and Poverty
John Osmond on how the First Minister is putting faith in the Assembly Government’s new Foundation Phase early years education curriculum to tackle child poverty