November 2008: Wales First Economic Summit: Seven point action plan revealed – The All Wales Convention: Who has a true voice? – Welsh Liberal Democrat Leadership Contest: A woman, but which woman? – Welsh NHS Reorganisation: Changes unveiled.
Making foreign policy relevant at home
David Milliband
On 16 October 2008 the Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, addressed a joint meeting of the Institute of Welsh Affairs and Cardiff Business Club at the St. David’s Hotel, Cardiff. His speech, given at the height of the banking crisis dealt with the implications of the crisis, the lessons of global engagement and its relevance for Wales.
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad October 2008
October 2008: Assembly Plaid Leader Blasts UK Government Jones takes a swipe at Labour in London – No change in NHS drugs growth rate 20 prescriptions per head in Wales – Assembly’s Presiding Officer takes on committee Argument over the speed of Welsh laws.
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad August 2008
August 2008: Assembly Government’s legislation: Welsh laws for 2008/2009 – ‘Going further’ in Welsh NHS reforms: Local health boards could be scrapped – One year, One Wales: Plaid Cymru and Labour celebrate their anniversary – The convention meets: Powers for the Assembly.
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad June 2008
June 2008: Severn Barrage: An ‘ecological disaster’? – Welsh Conservatives: Recovering from Cairns’ on-air controversy (picture) – Joint Working: Revival of a UK_wide ministerial committee – ‘Everyone’s business’: Committee reports on infections progress.
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad May 2008
May 2008: Olympian struggle: Wales ‘operating on an uneven playing field’ –
Welsh Local Government Elections 2008: Testing times for the Labour Party in Wales – Health of the Welsh NHS: Change is in the air again for the Welsh NHS.
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad April 2008
April 2008: Spring Forward: Plaid and Conservatives end – Welsh conference season – Lessons Learnt: Assembly audit report and its implications – Licence To Cull: latest bid to halt the spread of bovine TB.
The future of Welsh services
John Osmond links the debate on big salaries to Welsh approaches to public service.
Assembly Bwletin Cynulliad March 2008
March 2008: Welsh Conferences: Labour and Lib Dems hold their Welsh conferences – Energy Future: The future of energy in Wales and the UK considered – Welsh Powers: Shifting authority from London to Wales.