Gerald Holtham sees opportunity as well as threat in the efforts that will be needed when the lockdown lifts.

Comment, analysis and debate on the issues that matter for Wales, by writers from diverse sectors and political perspectives.
Gerald Holtham sees opportunity as well as threat in the efforts that will be needed when the lockdown lifts.
Creative freelancers are being forgotten as Coronavirus support schemes fail to reflect reality, write Marlen Komorowski and Justin Lewis.
With the public on lockdown, Owen Hathway asks if this is the moment we collectively get up and become more active.
There is a lot more we can do to protect the most vulnerable during this crisis, writes Rachel Cable.
Elin Haf Davies draws on her time isolated at sea and how we should be thinking about the lockdown and our post-pandemic lives.
International co-operation to fight the virus must take precedent over arbitrary Brexit deadlines, writes Geraint Talfan Davies.
Ambiguous and contradictory statements mean that the media’s scrutiny is more important than ever, writes Professor Stephen Cushion.
An effective public health message can only succeed with a collective, coordinated response, writes Auriol Miller.
The different electoral success of the SNP and Plaid Cymru will mean a divergence in Parliamentary tactics, writes Dr Louise Thompson.