As Labour claims victory in the 2024 General Election, Joe Rossiter asks what patterns are becoming apparent from the polls’ results.
Imagining Wales in 2100: Wales: A Beacon of Regenerative Wellbeing
Transporting himself in 2100, Piotr Swiatek imagines what the world’s future governance might borrow from the principles of the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
Imagining Wales in 2100: What if, by 2100, we had an infrastructure fit for future generations?
Derek Walker envisages what a future infrastructure for Wales could look like if it harnessed the power of the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
Imagining Wales in 2100: An introduction by David Clubb
Dave Clubb, Chair of the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales, introduces Imagining Wales in 2100, an anthology of essays we will be releasing in partnership over this summer.
Mental Health: What Wales’ Further Education sector can learn from Slovenia
Catherine Lewis, NPTC Group of Colleges Principal, reflects on a recent visit to Slovenia and what Wales could take from the nation’s emphasis on active wellbeing.
IWA Analysis: The contribution of business to a just energy transition with Wales & West Utilities
Lydia Godden summarises a recent IWA roundtable hosted in partnership with Wales & West Utilities about the future role of business in decarbonising Wales’ energy sector.
IWA Analysis: Building the Democratic Puzzle – MSs vote to support Senedd Reform
In the week the Senedd turned 25, substantial reforms to the way the parliament works were passed, marking the next chapter in the ever-evolving story of devolution.
Older Not Colder: Tackling Fuel Poverty Among Older People in Wales
Becky Ricketts introduces Older not Colder, a new service to help older people stay warm in their home and combat fuel poverty.
‘Having a home should be a right, not a privilege’
Taff Housing CEO Helen White explains how the Welsh Government should tackle homelessness across the capital city.