Professor Julie Lydon explores the skills Wales will need, and what role universities will need to play, to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the future
Hidden and overlooked: estranged young people in higher education
Yesterday, Stand Alone hosted its first conference in Wales to discuss the challenges family estrangement brings young people in Higher Education. In the first in a series of blogs, Susan Mueller explains what those challenges look like.
The “Ripple effect”: social action and the new curriculum
A focus on social action can help deliver the ambitions of the new curriculum for Wales, says Susie Ventris-Field
Climate Emergency: we need drastic, radical measures
It’s going to take radically different action to avoid tragic outcomes for our ecosystems argues David Clubb.
It’s democracy your Lordships, but not as we know it
In a way only he can, Mat Mathias says it’s time to reform the House of Lords
These Isles: Charting a Constitution
These Isles is an essay by Glyndwr Cennydd Jones, presented in four weekly parts on click on wales, subtitled Mapping the Union, Plotting a Course to Confederal Federalism, Navigating Fiscal Decentralisation and Charting a Constitution. This is part four.
Wales in Europe post-Brexit
International engagement is a matter for the whole nation and not just its government, argue Dr Rachel Minto and Professor Kevin Morgan
Charting a course for Welsh international relations
Dr Elin Royles offers key considerations for the forthcoming Welsh Government international strategy
Curriculum for Wales: a great opportunity to modernise the Welsh curriculum
Sian Gwenllian AM shares her hopes for the draft Curriculum for Wales, due to be launched tomorrow