Fflur Elin sets out her reasons for supporting Leanne Wood as leader of Plaid Cymru
Our Local Economies
Chris Johnes and Neil McInroy celebrate the successes of communities building prosperity and outline the conditions that are needed to build more local wealth in Wales.
Education and Research – the future at risk
Hywel Ceri Jones calls on everyone who values investment in high quality research, education and skills to voice their opposition to the impact of Brexit.
Groundhog Day
In his own unique style, Mat Mathias urges politicians in Wales to take action
Arloesedd Economi Gylchol yng Nghymru – Circular Economy Innovation in Wales
Gavin Bunting yn rhannu newydd am grŵp sydd wedi sefydlu i hwyluso arloesi ac ymchwil yr economi gylchol yng Nghymru – Gavin Bunting shares news of a new group established to facilitate circular economy innovation and research in Wales
Introducing… the new leader of Wales’ students
Gwyneth Sweatman sets out her priorities for her year in office as NUS Wales President
Welsh Labour Leadership election: lessons from 1998
Jon Owen Jones reflects on the 1998 election and the role of the electoral college in Welsh Labour
Swansea Lagoon; an unjust decision
David Clubb reflects on the UK Government’s decision not to invest in the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon
Re-Energising Wales: Decarbonising Transport in Wales
Shea Buckland-Jones introduces a new report from the IWA’s Re-energising Wales project